10 Tips to Create Landing Page Copy that Converts

Tips to Create Landing Page Copy that Converts

You’ve got your website up, your ads dialed in and your marketing game on point. But, are your landing pages getting you the conversions you need? Even if they look great, it is really the words that do the heavy lifting.

An effective landing page copy can turn passing visitors into loyal customers, just as a weak copy might compel them to skip. If you need some guidance on creating a landing page copy that not only captures attention but also converts, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll give some great tips for writing landing page copy that hooks, charms, and coaxes your customers into saying, “Take my money!”

But before we get to the tips, let’s take a quick moment to talk about why landing pages are important.

What is a landing page and why do you need one?

A landing page is a standalone web page made for a specific purpose, often as part of a marketing or advertising campaign. Unlike regular web pages that offer a wide range of information, a landing page focuses on achieving a singular goal, like turning visitors into leads or customers.

The aim of creating a landing page is to direct visitors towards a specific action. If you’ve ever clicked on a link in an email or advertisement from Google, Facebook, or YouTube, the page it takes you to is usually a landing page. Here’s an example of a landing page for a webinar –

stackadapt webinar landing page example


Now, moving on to the second part of the question – why you need a landing page. In the example given above, the purpose of the landing page was to get more sign-ups for the webinar. Similarly, the landing page can be used to –

  • Provide a concise overview of a product/service or other useful content.
  • Directly sell a product or service. These landing pages include persuasive copy, product images, pricing information, and a clear call to action to make a purchase.
  • Motivate viewers to make a purchase.
  • Capture visitor information (names and email addresses) to build a database of potential customers.
  • Offer downloadable content, like e-books, whitepapers, or reports, in exchange for contact information.
  • Persuade visitors to click through to another page, such as a product page or a sign-up form on the main website.

With Woorise, you can create landing pages, surveys, and forms for all these purposes and more. This landing page generator provides an assortment of pre-designed templates and a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface for creating landing pages tailored to your specific requirements.

So, adding the content blocks and nailing the design of your landing page will be a breeze. As for creating the landing page copy, the next section will provide you with some tips and tools that will make this part of the process easier too.

Creating a landing page copy for maximum impact

When you are creating a landing page copy, it is crucial to make a strong first impression and pique your audience’s interest. This is what will ultimately lead to conversions. The basic anatomy of a landing page looks something like this –

  1. Headline
  2. Hero image/video
  3. Supporting copy
  4. The USP
  5. Features and benefits of your product or service
  6. CTA
  7. Social proof

However, you have a bigger task at hand than covering the basics of landing page copywriting. You need to take it a step further and infuse your creativity and skill into the copywriting process. Narrato’s AI Copywriter is one tool that can help you in the process. It can help you create impactful headlines, landing page outlines, and entire landing page copy from scratch. Plus, it supports popular AIDA, BAB, and PAS copywriting methods to ensure that your landing page copy isn’t just nice to read, but will also effectively generate conversions.

Narratos AI Copywriter


Now, time for some more handy tips to craft a high-performing landing page copy –

1. Communicate your main value proposition with the headline

Your headline is the first thing that visitors notice on your landing page, and you have to make it count. Most people have fleeting attention spans and are inundated with choices, and so they need a reason to choose your offering over the competition. That’s why it’s important for your headline to communicate your main value proposition clearly and succinctly. It should speak directly to the challenges your audience faces and showcase how your product provides a solution.

When creating your landing page headline, keep it crisp and short. Somewhere between 10 and 20 words. Make sure it seamlessly connects with the content that led the visitor to your page and is compelling enough to make visitors want to stay on your page. Consider using personal and active language to engage the reader. Take inspiration from other brands that excel at crafting declarative and useful headlines. Analyze their approach and adapt it to fit your unique value proposition. You can also use AI landing page headline generators if you find yourself stuck on ideas.

2. Make your subheadings persuasive

After you’ve created your headline, you need to provide additional information below that in the form of a subheading. If the purpose of the headline was to capture attention, the subheading will encourage visitors to stay. Both these elements work together to engage the visitors. Subheadings often expand on the headline’s idea, and you can experiment with the level of detail in your subheadings based on your goals. You can also switch the order of the headline and subheading if it fits your purpose. The key is to make it persuasive.

Here’s a great example of a subheading from Semrush that effectively builds on the main headline, presenting the idea in a concise, compelling manner and encouraging visitors to take action.

example of a subheading from Semrush that effectively builds on the main headline


Look for some landing page examples in your niche and create a formula that works for you.

3. Prioritize benefits over features

When it comes to crafting a landing page that not only grabs attention but also converts, remember this golden rule: benefits over features. While the technical features of your product may be fascinating to you, your audience is more interested in how your solution will enhance their lives or businesses.

Focus on benefits that directly address the challenges and problems your buyers face. Imagine your landing page as a conversation with your customers. Talk to them about how their lives will improve and the positives they’ll experience as a result of using your product. People make decisions based on emotion. To sway people’s decisions, it is crucial to appeal to their emotions. Highlight how your product can evoke feelings of confidence, security, efficiency, delight, etc., in order to connect with your audience on an emotional level.

To make this process easier, you can use an AI product description generator like Narrato’s. It can generate customized product descriptions in less than a minute, automatically tying in the benefits with the features. It gives you a great first draft of the product description.

Narrato AI product description generator

If you need multiple product descriptions, it also comes with a bulk content generation feature.

4. Make your landing page copy scannable

When visitors come to your landing page, they typically scan for content that directly caters to their needs and situations. To ensure your landing page is a conversion powerhouse, it should be designed to be easily skimmed, read, and understood. This means –

  1. Concise headlines: Focus on one primary idea per headline, setting clear learning expectations for buyers.
  2. Precise opening statements: Introduce the details with a succinct opening statement. This provides context and supports the headline, offering a smooth transition into the key information.
  3. Bullet points: Buyers love quick, digestible information. Bullet points allow them to grasp the essence of your offer in a glance.
  4. Bold emphasis: Use bold text strategically to emphasize key details. However, wield it sparingly to avoid creating too many competing priorities.

Pro-tip: Go beyond providing information by infusing your copy with action-oriented language. This prompts the reader to engage actively with your content.

5. Include images that tie in with the main idea

Just as your words articulate the main message of your landing page, you should be adding visuals should reinforce it. By carefully selecting an image, you can enhance your narrative and make a strong impact on your audience. The goal is visual harmony, where every element—text and imagery—works together seamlessly.

  1. Images for header and banners: For the hero image or banner, choose visuals that not only capture attention but also align with the central theme.
  2. Downloadable material covers: For e-books, whitepapers, or any downloadable material, select images that entice and provide a sneak peek into the valuable content awaiting your audience.
  3. Speaker headshots: If your landing page promotes a webinar or any event, humanize the experience with headshots of your engaging speakers. Opt for images that convey not just professionalism but also approachability, fostering a connection with potential attendees.

So, where would you find images to add to your landing page? There are many platforms like Unsplash, Pexels and Pixabay that provide attribution-free images to add to your content.

Unsplash provides images for your landing page

If you plan to customize graphics, a graphic design tool like Canva could be useful. You can also try AI image generators with the right AI image prompts to create custom images based on your ideas.

AI image generator example

6. Optimize your landing page copy for SEO

A well-optimized landing page attracts more traffic. By following SEO best practices for landing pages, you make it easier for both website visitors and search engines to find and understand the purpose of your page. This enhanced visibility translates into more potential conversions. Identify and integrate relevant keywords into your landing page copy.

Think about the terms your target audience might use when searching for products or services like yours. Include these keywords in the title tag, headings, alt text, and URL. It’s also a good idea to include high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites to enhance your landing page SEO. For easier search optimization, you can try using ChatGPT prompts for SEO content creation.

7. Back the claims in your landing page copy with facts

Words are powerful, but when you weave them with concrete facts, they become unbeatable. To strengthen your arguments and enhance your credibility, make data the focal point of your content. Cite numbers, figures, and percentages to add weight to your claims and build trust with your audience. You may want to consider using charts, graphs, or infographics to visually represent your data. Visual aids can help your audience understand and remember your information better.

Appypie offers an AI statistics infographic maker that could be very useful here. You can generate an infographic by adding a prompt or use any of the ready-made infographic templates to create a beautiful infographic design for adding to your landing page.

Appypie generates an infographic by adding a prompt


8. Leverage customer testimonials for credibility

In the digital world, trust is the currency that converts visitors into loyal customers. When you are designing landing pages, displaying customer testimonials is one of the most powerful methods to win trust. Positive feedback from actual users is a great way to demonstrate social proof, letting potential customers know your product or service has positively influenced others. To amplify the effect of testimonials, you can also add video testimonials.

9. Integrate a guarantee for confidence

Consider providing a guarantee on your landing page to boost customer confidence, drive conversions, and enhance decision-making. Imagine a landing page for an e-learning platform that comes with a guarantee statement that goes like “We’re confident you’ll love our courses. If you’re not satisfied within 30 days, we’ll refund your investment—no questions asked.” A guarantee statement like this will not only ease worries, but it will also establish a space for potential customers to confidently make the choice to convert.

When adding your guarantee statement, make sure to explicitly communicate what your customers can expect. Transparency is crucial, whether it’s a money-back guarantee, satisfaction guarantee, or anything else. Strategically incorporate your guarantee near your CTA, ensuring that potential customers find reassurance at the crucial moment before converting.

10. Command action with irresistible CTAs

CTAs play an important role in converting visitors into engaged customers. By incorporating action-oriented, visually pleasing, and convincing CTAs, you can pave the way for users to take the desired steps. Here’s how you can ensure your CTA button copy drives conversions.

  1. Avoid the temptation of including multiple CTAs that overwhelm your audience with too many options. Instead, focus on one primary CTA that aligns with the main goal of your landing page.
  2. Provide a clear description of the desired action and clearly explain the content or experience that will be available to the visitor once they take this action.
  3. Place your CTAs prominently on the page so they don’t have to scroll too much.
  4. Make your CTAs more noticeable by using contrasting colors that capture attention. Differentiate them visually from the background to instantly draw the eye.
  5. Incorporate a sense of urgency into your call to action by showcasing the impact of the buyer’s inaction on their current situation. Stress the importance of acting promptly to avoid negative consequences.

Wrapping Up

Now that we’ve armed you with these landing page copy tips, it’s your turn to implement them and create a professional-grade landing page copy that drives conversions. Remember, the key lies in understanding your audience. Tailoring your message to their exact wants and needs is what sets you apart.

Practice makes perfect, as they say! So, don’t be afraid to experiment with different approaches, test different versions of your copy, and fine-tune your techniques based on what works best. After all, every audience is unique, and learning what resonates with your visitors is no one-size-fits-all process.

Feel free to bookmark this blog post as your go-to guide for creating compelling copy for your landing pages. 

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