How to Create a Product Recommendation Quiz for Your eCommerce Store

Product Recommendation Quiz for Your eCommerce Store

Are you tired of the traditional one-size-fits-all approach to eCommerce? Do you want to attract more customers and increase sales on your online store? Look no further than a product recommendation quiz.

In this article, we will explore how product recommendation quizzes can transform your eCommerce site into a thriving hub of customer engagement and revenue growth. Get ready to unlock the potential of this innovative marketing strategy!

What Is A Product Recommendation Quiz? 

A product recommendation quiz for ecommerce is a helpful tool that suggests products based on your preferences. It asks you questions about your likes and needs. Then, using your answers, it suggests items that match your tastes. 

For example, if you’re looking for skincare, it might ask about your skin type. The quiz then proposes suitable products, like moisturizers or cleansers.

Many online stores use these quizzes to make shopping easy. Product quiz is one of effective marketing strategies for ecommerce sellers to get more insights into their customers and drive motivation for quiz takers to buy the product or save recommended products for later. Merchants can use quiz responses for targeted marketing, inventory management decisions, product development, customer loyalty programs, etc. 

5 Reasons Why Your eCommerce Site Needs A Product Recommendation Quiz 

Product recommendation quizzes have become an increasingly popular and effective tool for growing eCommerce sites. Let’s delve into how a product quiz can contribute to the growth of your eCommerce site.

1. Personalized Shopping Experience

According to McKinsey & Company, 71% of consumers expect personalization, and 76% get frustrated when they don’t find it.

Salesforce research also shows that 66% of consumers expect companies to understand their unique needs and expectations, and 52% of customers expect offers to always be personalized.

The above shows that customers often appreciate a personalized shopping experience, and with a product recommendation quiz, you can learn more about your customer preferences to meet their expectations.

By asking users about their tastes, needs, and styles, a product quiz creates a personalized buying experience. This personalization makes users more interested and helps them feel closer to your brand.

2. Zero-Party Data Collection

Privacy concerns have never been more prominent in the digital world, making data collection a sensitive issue.

A 2021 study conducted by McKinsey revealed that around 71 percent of consumers are actually anticipating companies to provide them with more personalized interactions.

And product quizzes for ecommerce provide that valuable advantage. They allow businesses to gather zero-party data directly from customers through their voluntary input. 

This ‘zero-party data’ is a goldmine for eCommerce businesses, enabling the creation of hyper-targeted marketing strategies that feel less intrusive and more relevant.

3. Grow Your Email & SMS Marketing Lists 

A strong marketing list is the key to running a successful eCommerce business. One of the problems, though, is building a list of subscribers interested in what you have to say. 

A product quiz elegantly addresses this by offering customers personalized recommendations in exchange for their contact information.

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This deal is good for both parties: customers get ideas that are more relevant to them, and you get permission to contact them directly through email marketing strategies and SMS marketing campaigns.

4. Reduced Cart Abandonment 

Cart abandonment is a challenge for eCommerce businesses. According to Baymard Institute, the average documented online shopping cart abandonment rate is 70.19%. 

Using a product quiz can reduce this by guiding customers to products aligned with their preferences, reducing confusion and hesitation during purchase.

For example, imagine a shopper who adds items to their cart but leaves without buying them. With an eCommerce product quiz, they get personalized recommendations in exchange for their email. If they abandon their cart, you can send tailored emails with discounts to bring them back and complete the purchase.

5. Boosting Sales & Conversion Rates

The main goal of any eCommerce site is to drive sales and increase conversion rates. Product quizzes help directly with this goal. 

By giving customers personalized suggestions and making buying easier, you can turn more prospects into buyers. 

Also, the information you get from quizzes lets you keep improving your products and marketing strategies, leading to more sales and better conversion rates.

Platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento offer plugins and tools for adding recommendation quizzes. Many online stores have reported improved sales and conversion rates after implementing these features.

Ecommerce merchants can utilize customer data including purchase history and customer information collected by a retail POS system or retail management app to have more insights into their customers’ preferences. Then, they can use form creating tools, and product recommending quizzes like Woorise to optimize personalized suggestions and drive more sales on eCommerce sites.

For instance, beauty brands like The Honest Company, Sephora, and NARS Cosmetics are utilizing online store quiz templates to enhance customer experience, simplify shopping, and boost conversion rates.

Product Recommendation Quiz Best Practices

Are you thinking about setting up the best product recommendation quiz for your website? Let’s explore some best practices to ensure your quiz hits the mark.

  • Clear and concise questions: Keep your questions simple and easy to understand. The confusing language might turn customers away. Aim for clarity to ensure everyone can answer without any trouble.
  • Relevance is key: Make your questions fit with what you’re trying to sell. Relevant questions keep people interested and make sure that suggestions are accurate.
  • Limited options: Make sure to leave your users with enough choices. A handful of well-curated options for each question keeps the quiz manageable and prevents decision fatigue.
  • Visuals matter: Include images of your goods whenever you can. Visuals help people connect with the choices and make the experience more enjoyable.
  • Progress indication: Let users know how far they are in the quiz. A progress bar or simple step count keeps them invested and aware of what’s left.
  • Mobile-friendly design: Many users access websites through their smartphones. Make sure your quiz is responsive and looks good on various screen sizes.
  • Personalization: Collect some basic information at the start, like age or gender. This allows for more tailored recommendations that resonate with individual preferences.
  • Keep it fun: Put your own style into your quiz. A funny tone and a little bit of fun can make the experience lasting and make people more likely to finish the quiz.
  • Immediate results: People love instant gratification. Provide the results as soon as they finish the quiz. Waiting for results can lead to drop-offs.
  • Clear call to action: After the recommendations, guide the users on what to do next. Whether purchasing, exploring more products, or sharing the results, a clear call to action keeps the momentum going.
  • Test and iterate: Launch your quiz as a trial and gather feedback. Analyze the results and see if users are finding the recommendations helpful. Use this input to refine and improve the quiz.
  • Prominent placement: Make sure the quiz is easy to find on your website. A clear, prominent placement ensures that users don’t miss it.

5 eCommerce Product Recommendation Quiz Examples

Customization is crucial when it comes to quizzes for different brands. Each quiz should reflect unique questions and a personalized style that resonates with your audience. To spark your creativity, here are several examples to consider for your development:

1. Curlsmith

Curlsmith’s Curl ID quiz isn’t just about finding the right hair products; it’s a journey of self-discovery for customers. 

Through thoughtfully framed questions, the quiz not only determines their hair type but also breaks down the essential components that define their unique curls. 

Once completed, the quiz offers a results page that prioritizes education, explaining the reasoning behind the recommendations. It then outlines a personalized hair care routine that aligns perfectly with the newfound understanding of their hair’s needs.

Curlsmiths Curl ID quiz

2. Skinny Mixes

Skinny Mixes, known for its syrups and mocktails, enhances user engagement through a quiz that recommends products and provides customers with drink recipes and exclusive discount codes. 

By aligning customers’ flavor preferences with recipes featuring their products, Skinny Mixes boosts sales and empowers customers with creative ways to use their products.

Remarkably, their quiz yields a 20% conversion rate, with a substantial 25% contribution to their total monthly revenue.

Skinny Mixes quiz that recommends products and provides customers with drink recipes and exclusive discount codes

3. Doe Lashes

In the realm of beauty, Doe Lashes introduces a captivating quiz that goes beyond the ordinary. At the heart of this quiz lies a unique feature — a selfie analysis that identifies the customer’s eye shape. 

This innovation isn’t just about interactive fun; it guides shoppers toward selecting the most suitable eyelash product for their distinct eye contours. 

By fostering a sense of confidence in the product’s compatibility, Doe Lashes empowers customers to make informed choices, even without the luxury of trying before buying.

Doe Lashes Product Recommendation Quiz example

4. Jones Road

Jones Road, founded by makeup icon Bobbi Brown, takes personalization to the next level.

The brand offers multiple quizzes that help users identify the ideal shade of specific products. This meticulous approach underscores the brand’s commitment to delivering the right shade for each customer.

Moreover, Jones Road cleverly collects quiz-takers’ email addresses before revealing the results, allowing them to later reconnect with tailored offers in their chosen shade. 

Jones Road Product Recommendation Quiz example

5. Prose

Prose’s quiz focuses on hair care products tailored to your needs. Beyond a comprehensive set of questions, they provide context for curious customers. 

You’ll find sidebars with some questions like “why we ask?” or “more of a visual learner” or “fun fact” to explain why certain questions are asked, along with visuals for easy understanding — a prime example of an inclusive and informative experience for users. 

Prose Product Recommendation Quiz example

How To Make A Product Recommendation Quiz?

If you are thinking about creating a product recommendation quiz, follow these simple steps to craft an effective quiz that helps users find their ideal products.

Step 1: Define Your Goals

Before you start building your quiz, knowing what you want to achieve is essential. Are you aiming to increase sales, gather customer preferences, or provide entertainment? Having a clear goal will shape the rest of the process.

Step 2:  Identify Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is essential. Who are your customers? What are their interests, preferences, and pain points? Tailor your quiz questions to resonate with them, ensuring your recommendations are relevant and valuable.

Step 3: Choose Right Platform 

Choose a platform or tool to create your quiz. User-friendly options are available, such as Woorise, Typeform, SurveyMonkey, or custom quiz plugins for your website.

Step 4: Craft Engaging Questions

Create a set of questions that will help you gather information about the user’s preferences. Keep the questions simple and concise.

Step 5: Develop Result Outcomes

Based on the answers provided, you’ll need to generate results. Each outcome should correspond to a specific product or category. Craft compelling descriptions for each outcome to pique interest and explain the recommendation.

Step 6: Provide Clear Results 

Once participants complete the quiz, reveal their personalized product recommendation. Include images, videos, descriptions, and links to the recommended products. Transparency is key; explain why a particular product suits their needs.

Step 7: Promote Your Quiz

Promote your eCommerce quiz through your website, social media, email newsletters, or other marketing channels to maximize its reach.

Step 8: Monitor and Adjust

Keep an eye on the performance of your quiz. Analyze metrics, such as completion rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. If you notice any trends or areas for improvement, don’t hesitate to tweak the quiz accordingly.

Product Recommendation Quiz Template

Are you ready to add the product recommendation quiz to your online store?

Let’s explore the expansive collection of product recommendation quiz templates available on Woorise. With just a few simple steps, you can easily add these templates to your store and give your customers personalized product suggestions.

For example, the product recommendation quiz template below is already pre-made for you to tap into the recommendations.

Product Recommendation Quiz

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, utilizing product recommendation quizzes can be a game-changer for growing your eCommerce site. The interactive nature of the quizzes creates an enjoyable shopping experience, leading to increased brand loyalty and repeat purchases.

While implementing a product recommendation quiz may require some initial effort, the long-term benefits make it worth the investment. So why wait? Start integrating these quizzes into your eCommerce site today and watch your business thrive.

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