How to send SMS notifications with Twilio integration

With Twilio you can make text message notifications a part of your form notification process by integrating with the Twilio SMS service. Get notified via a customizable SMS text message as soon as a form is submitted, or a payment is received via an order form.

Twillio Settings

  1. In your Woorise dashboard click on Integrations from the main menu and activate Twillio.
  2. Next click on Twillio integration Settings.
  3. Select your API Mode. Enter your Account SID, Auth Token, Test Account SID, and Test Auth Token.
  4. Click Update Settings. If you’ve entered your account information correctly, you will be notified by a green check mark beside each box.
  5. Next you will need to create a Twillio feed. A feed simply allows form submission data to be sent to another source. In this instance, form submissions being sent to the Twilio API.

Bitly Account Information

Bitly helps you shorten, track and analyze your links. You can enter your Bitly Access Token to automatically shorten URLs in your SMS message.

Create a Twillio Feed

  1. Select the campaign you want and click on Form tab.
  2. From the Settings click on Twillio.
  3. Click Add New to create a new feed.

Twillio Feed Settings

  • Name
    A feed Name is required. It is only used for identification and will not be shown anywhere other than your feed listing.
  • From
    The From dropdown will list any phone numbers that are available within your Twilio account. Many users will only have a single number here to select, but if you have multiple numbers, select the number that you would like to use for sending notifications. Alternatively, you can select to use an Alphanumeric Sender ID if it has been enabled in your Twilio account’s SMS settings.
  • To Number
    In the To Number field, enter the phone number that you would like notifications sent to. Be sure to include your fully numerical 10-digit phone number, including the area code.
  • Message
    The Message field is the main part of the notification. Merge tags can be used to dynamically generate your notification message.
  • Shorten URLs
    The Shorten URLs option will shorten URLs using Bitly. To use this option, you will need to configure Bitly support within the Twilio feed.
  • Conditional Logic
    If unchecked, every successful form submission will be sent to Twillio. If you wish to set specific conditions for sending form data to Twillio then check the “Enable” box and fill out your required criteria.

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