7 Reasons Why Personalized LinkedIn Content Will Improve Your Outreach Strategy

A few years ago, dropping someone’s name and title in the subject line or opening line of a message was considered “personalization”. You’ve called a person by name and you know what their job is – you must be connecting with them on a personal level, right?

To put it bluntly – not in the slightest! 

In 2020, people have caught on to generic personal messages and are starting to ignore them. An average person receives almost 120 emails every day, and with so much content coming their way, today’s users can spot a salesman or woman from a mile away. Someone’s trying to sell them something pretty much every day, so they can see right through the pitch.

The basic level of content personalization simply doesn’t do the job anymore. It’s time to up your game and give personalization a whole new meaning!

Since LinkedIn is the most popular network when it comes to making business connections and B2B sales, adding an even more personal touch to your approach can help you crush your outreach goals. Knowing exactly who you’re talking to and what you’re talking about will do much more than putting someone’s name in a generic message you’ve already sent to a bunch of people.

Here are some reasons why personalized LinkedIn content can change your whole outreach strategy for the better.

1. It Will Help You Get More High-Quality Leads

It’s almost too obvious to even mention, but a more personalized approach on LinkedIn will get you better leads. 

From my experience, the contacts you get through personalized messages will always be easier to convert to customers!

That’s because personalization doesn’t mean just addressing someone in a colloquial, intimate way. Personalization is also about reaching out to someone with content tailored to their interests and speaking to particular challenges they might have. If you reach out to someone in an engaging way, with a topic that interests them, you are sowing the seeds for a very fruitful collaboration!

Once you try approaching everyone with a unique message, you’ll notice a much better response – that’s because people feel like they’re talking to a real person who truly understands their industry and the challenges that come with it. 

I don’t know about you, but that’s what I like to call a quality lead! 

Furthermore, studying your target audience and contacting them with personalized content tends to get more leads! It’s basic logic – when you reach out to a CEO in a financial company, you talk about different topics than you would with a manager in the fashion industry. Not only that, but you would talk in a different tone, and propose different things.

You can do the latter through dynamic personalization – a strategy I like to recommend to anyone looking to personalize their content in an easy and effective way.

2. It Will Save You Precious Time

In a perfect world, you would research all of your potential leads one by one, studying them individually, and sending separate messages to each one of them. The problem with this approach is obvious – it would take you a whole day to get through just a few people. To truly get to know someone’s interests and create a message 100% tailored to them is a painstakingly slow process, which is why so many people quit.

On the other side of the spectrum, you have a more macro, automatized approach. This approach would save you a lot of time, but the problem with most LinkedIn automation tools is that they give you content that is too generic and audience groups that are too broad. So, you end up deciding between a time-consuming, personal approach, or a time-saving approach that gives you little to no results.

As with so many things in life, there is a perfect balance between the two!

What you’re looking for is a tool that will do all the “behind the scenes” stuff, so you can focus more on where to find the right people and how to deliver good content. One such tool is Expandi. It allows you more personalization than any other platform, while also helping you create great target audiences that you can reach with an automated, yet diversified messaging.

Just imagine all the possibilities! For example, you could run a giveaway with Woorise, use it to generate leads, and then upload those leads as a custom CSV list. You can then create a campaign targeting all the leads from that list with personalized messages.

3. It Will Improve Your Brand Image and Awareness

Whether you’re a freelancer or a brand, there’s no doubt you can benefit from a good image. In this business, you’re only as good as what people are saying about you, so you should make sure you always leave a good impression!

When you first get in touch with someone, the worst thing you can do is spam them with irrelevant content. It shows that you put little to no effort in your research, that you’re casting a wide net, and that you have zero strategy. All of this tells your potential leads one important thing: this person has nothing to offer.

This kind of content can damage your image and paint you as a digital marketing rookie. If you’re looking to build a trustworthy brand, or a good image for yourself, the effect of bad content can be devastating. A wrong approach can also get you banned, which is the last thing you’d want! Check out how you can avoid that here.

On the other hand, personalized LinkedIn content in your outreach strategy will do just the opposite! You’ll build meaningful connections, create a positive sentiment, and leave a good impression on everyone in your network. That’s a great base to grow your business as well as your brand.

4. It Will Provide More Value for Your Customers

Although your benefits from a personalized outreach strategy are vital, it’s worth mentioning that this strategy is also beneficial for the customer. This creates a win-win scenario in which everyone’s happy!

Just think about it – you already receive tons of promotional content every day, with not much you can do about it. If that’s already the case, why not receive something you’re at least interested in? 

People actually like receiving personalized content, even when they aren’t aware it’s happening. In fact, there is some psychology to support this claim. As a study from the University of Texas shows, there are two key factors that guide our inclination towards personalization: information overload and a desire for control. 

Simply put, personalization decreases the stress of information overload, while making you feel more in control of what kind of messaging you’re getting.

So, how can we leverage this information?

First of all, we need to learn about our target audience: what are they posting on LinkedIn? What kind of content are they interacting with? What type of content creators are they following? All of these questions can help you narrow down your audience and reach them with a tailored message that will speak directly to their interests.

Once you know the answers to these questions, you can then upload them into a LinkedIn automation tool like Expandi and create an audience that has, for example, interacted with one specific LinkedIn post. You can go as far as targeting members of a certain Facebook group. Hyper Targeting at its finest!

5. It Will Create Long Lasting Relationships

If you do everything just right – reach the right person, at the right time, with the right subject – you can do much more than simply generate a quality lead. You can create a partnership!

A relationship based on understanding and shared interests is always a strong one. When you adjust your content and create it with the customer in mind, your connection won’t be based on false pretenses. Instead, you will come from a place of understanding and form a true connection that has the potential to last much more than just one project.

If you’re lucky, you might even get one of the most elusive things in marketing we’re all striving for – word of mouth! 

Yes, quality, personalized LinkedIn content could help you create such a strong relationship that, over time, people will start coming to you based on recommendations from your other connections. In this game, it’s all about trust and expertise.

6. Your Content Will Start Improving

How can you know if your content is good? By looking at the results, of course!

You can take all the writing courses you want, use all the grammar check, style check, and tone chek tools, but at the end of the day – good content is the one that sells the best. It’s only through repetition and careful analysis that you can make sure your writing works.

When you approach LinkedIn outreach seriously and use automation tools to deliver and improve content, you’ll start noticing things. For example, you might notice that the copy you assumed would work best isn’t actually delivering at all! On the other hand, a short, straightforward copy you wrote in a hurry might work best, because it conveys your message in a much smoother way.

There’s really no way to know what will work, other than to simply look at the data.

With an automation tool, you can look at the results and start testing different outreach approaches. Over time, as you get more skilled and analytical, your content will keep getting better. You will find it easier to write a simple copy that converts, and you will spend less time looking at that blank screen with a blinking cursor.

Isn’t that better than just googling for LinkedIn inmail examples, using the first one you find, and praying that it will work? It’s 2020, guys, data is the name of the game!

7. Your Outreach Will Get Better Results

Ultimately, personalizing your outreach strategy will give you the most important outcome – better results. Even a simple search to better understand who you’re talking to can help you get awesome outreach results. 

And, if you apply all these things we talked about – researching your target audience, learning about their behaviors and interests, and writing personalized content, you’ll notice a huge improvement in your results!

Just take a look at what we did in our campaign.

We targeted a specific Facebook group and found a LinkedIn post related to our topic and retargeted all people who engaged with it. After that, we used dynamic personalization, customizing our messages using dynamic variables. 

Our results?

Not to go into too much detail, but just the first method – finding a Facebook group, exporting it, and using a personalized message to get in touch with its members improved our acceptance rate to 72%, with a 49% response to the follow-up. The other techniques were no less effective.

This goes to show that using advanced personalization – taking into account your audience’s interests, Facebook groups they’re following, content they’re interacting with – greatly improves your chances of achieving your outreach goals. And, if you top everything off with good content, you’re setting yourself up for measurable success!

Final Word

As you can see, personalized LinkedIn content can change your whole outreach strategy. Using an automation tool can make this process even easier, enabling you to do a lot of great work in a short amount of time. Instead of grasping straws and manually searching for potential leads, you can focus your attention on creating a target audience and then reaching that audience with the right message. 

That’s what personalization is all about – it’s not about the person’s name or job title, it’s reaching the right people with content tailored to their interests. 

You should approach your outreach strategy the same way you would approach a full-time job or a digital strategy for a client. Everything should be measurable, tested, and proven to work.

So, start using content personalization now and let us know how it affected your results!

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