Centre Stage Theatre Camp

Registration Form 2024

Woohoo Let’s get started with your registration.

Please enter your order number if you’ve made a purchase or taken out one of our payment plans. This will be on your confirmation email.
You can head to our website if you would like to purchase a plan.

Child's Name*
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Please type your child’s gender above
Will your child be bringing any medication while attending our residential theatre camp?*
Example: An Inhaler, hayfever tablets etc.
Does your child have any challenging behaviours we need to beware off?*
Do you agree and understand that your child may be filmed or photographed during the activities, performance and while at our theatre camp, with the possibility that these photographs/media recordings may be used for publications or marketing publicity.*
Note: if consent is not given, Centre Stage will not use any images taken during the activity that contains the child/young person.
I understand that my child needs to follow the behaviour code and any safety rules so that Centre Stage can keep them and other children safe.*
Skip if not applicable
Please leave a small description.
How did you find out about our theatre camp?*
I agree*
Are you happy for Centre Stage to send you updated information about our camp, workshops and events?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.