DICE Supporters Membership Form

We require every member to fill out this form.

You can find this in your confirmation email.
Supporters Full Name*
DD slash MM slash YYYY
How do you want us to share our good news and success stories with you?*
By ticking the box, you have read and agree to our GDPR policy.
GDPR; As part of the registration process for our Membership, we collect personal information. We use that information for a couple of reasons: to tell you about our events and information, you’ve asked us to tell you about; to contact you if we need to obtain or provide additional information; to check our records are right and to check every now and then that you’re happy and satisfied. We don’t rent or trade email lists with other organisations and businesses. All our data is logged onto our private system which is encrypted. All personal paper data is shredded and disposed of in the correct method. We also use an online mailing system for sending our information by Wix.com please see their privacy policy. https://www.wix.com/about/privacy
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